On Thursday night this week I shared the inspiration for this pilgrimage with friends at Melbourne Buddhist Centre regulars’ night. All 45 little buddhas donated so far stood as witness to the launch of the Buddhas in my Pocket journey. I have been very touched learning that some people have given me little buddhas that have had very personal and deep meaning in their lives and also knowing that many buddhas have come great distances from overseas.

After my talk everyone carefully carried a buddha upstairs to the large shrine room ready for the ceremony. My kesa was held in place on the shrine by Kuan Yin and the buddhas were placed carefully surrounding her.  Dantacitta, a dear friend with whom I had shared a number of wonderful mini pilgrimages over the years, led a beautiful ceremony where the kesa was placed on my neck ready to be worn every day for the next 14 months.

The energy and support in the room was very stirring and moving.

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