
Buddhas in my pocket

An Australian Buddhist Pilgrimage


September 2016

In the hands of the Order at Naganaga- Megha

This rock is from New Zealand and was given to me by a dear friend, Varadevi.

It’s from one of her local beaches, a bay on the east coast around Wellington.

This sort of rock, where a shell is fossilised within the rock, brings about a moment of wonder when I look at it.  I like the link with my friend and also my birth place was near Wellington.

It’s particularly the spiral embedded in the rock I am attracted to as well. It reminds me of the Spiral Path teaching. It’s like the Dharma imprinted through ancient times in the rock.

The timelessness of the Law of the Dharma.


Compassion found in a Chinese prison.

Last week as I walked towards Federation Square I noticed a reticence and some doubt creeping in to my plan to hand out a buddha. I hadn’t done a metta walk for a couple of weeks as I had been at Naganaga on retreat. 

I reminded myself that there was nothing in my experience of the last 6 months so far that should give rise to fear or embarrassment about initiating engagement with a stranger. 

All of my communications handing out buddhas had been enjoyable and had enriched my life. With that thought, trust emerged and I continued on my way.

I walked once around the area where many people sit at Federation Square and knew where I needed to sit. Sometimes it happens that simply.

He was leaning into his mobile phone intently engaged in scrolling and texting.

It was one of those times when I intuitively sensed that I could start straight away by unfolding the 12 buddhas in my bag.

I laid them out on the handmade purse and dived into contact with him.

“Hello, I have been given little buddhas from people all around the world to give away…..would you like to choose one?”

“Yes, “ he replied smiling  and then added  “ I am a Buddhist”. 

He picked up a small metal buddha. I asked if he was waiting for someone so I could be sensitive to whether he might have the time to talk further.  He was indeed waiting for a friend to arrive in about 30 minutes so I began to ask him a little about himself.

He was of Tibetan origin and his family was off wandering and shopping in the maze of city streets whilst he waited for his friend. 

I pulled out my kesa from under my shirt and told him I was a Buddhist, too. 

I was transfixed as his story unfolded.

I learnt that he had only arrived to live in Sydney a couple of years ago. 

His childhood was spent in Tibet.  At 18 years of age he was arrested along with some friends for writing ‘Free Tibet’ and ‘Go back to China’ slogans on walls in Lhasa. 

They managed to do it a number of times before someone informed on them and they were caught and put in prison. This man saw friends die in prison and he experienced many severe beatings. 

As he talked about his time in prison I found myself listening with a particular energy that needed no response from me, no words, just a heart felt sense of connection and care.

After four years he was released. He then did all he could to get money to arrange an escape to India.  

It was a harrowing journey made with 64 countrymen and women.

They were caught at the Nepalese border and would have been sent back to Tibet. However, they had the good fortune of being with a man in their escape party who had a connection that he was able to activate which culminated in their release. 

He then spent years in Dharamsala before meeting the  woman who was to become his wife. They were able to be sponsored to come to Sydney.

Now he was working in an aged care home. I was very touched as he made the link between what happened to him in prison and the level of compassionate care he was able to give the elderly residents of the care home. 

He told me that when he first used to be beaten by the Chinese guards he was very angry and wanted to fight back. His face and eyes ands fists momentarily showed me the intensity of that past anger. 

But over time he remembered what the Buddha had said about meeting hatred with love and compassion. And he learnt to go inside himself and find refuge and stillness. 

He recognised what he learnt in those awful years had given him the gift of access to compassion under any conditions.  He told me he can now easily meet with compassion the aggressiveness and difficult behaviours of some residents who might be struggling with dementia. 

“Always,always compassion,”  he said. 

He showed me a picture of his two young children- a girl and boy. 

It was very beautiful to hear about his morning meditation practice and how he is encouraging the practice of compassion in his children’s lives. 

Yes, he missed his country, he missed the beauty of Dharamsala but he had strong connections with Tibetan communities in both Melbourne and Sydney. 

Then he said emphatically, “ Also here in Australia I have freedom. Freedom to do whatever I choose as long as i follow the laws of the country. I have freedom to pray and follow my religion. “

He talked about  family and friends in Tibet who can’t have pictures of their teacher the Dalai Lama on display. Their devotion has to be an inner journey with no outward expression.

We shook hands and I walked down the steps of the square, again feeling blessed and enriched by a connection with a stranger. 

I smiled at the thought of his quiet, open compassionate heart connecting with people facing the difficulties of old age and suffering.

And I felt slightly embarrassed at the resistance I had felt in the first few days of wearing my kesa in public over 6 months ago. 

Here, where I live, I won’t be arrested for wearing something that depicts the deepest of my beliefs and values. 

Here, I am unlikely to be beaten and imprisoned for publicly expressing my faith. 

In fact, since I have been wearing my kesa every day on the streets I have been met, with curiosity at times, but mostly kindness and warmth.

And I know that is still not the case for everyone…. even here there is hate directed at people due to skin colour, ethnicity, economic situation, other faiths, lifestyle, gender etc etc.

And as I sat on the tram gazing out of the window,  the way our government deals with  refugees in detention came to mind, and I felt sick in the stomach. 

And I know I am not personally doing enough to try and make my voice heard….to say this is not okay, to say we should not treat human beings this way.

The effect of the man from Tibet’s conversation with me is still unfolding.


This Buddha was donated by Anna from Adhisthana.

It was the first one of over 170 buddhas I have been given.

When I initially  had the idea for the Buddhas in my Pocket pilgrimage I was on retreat at Adhisthana and Anna was one of the first people I told my idea to.

It must have sounded a little crazy…… leave my job, wander around handing out Buddhas, offer my help at Buddhist centres  and ask for financial support from others. But within a short time she had collected this small buddha from the kitchen, where it has stood on a windowsill watching over the team of cooks, and placed it in my hand.

A heartfelt moment of encouragement….go on do it, I know you can!

When you get in touch with a creative, mythical space and an idea unfolds and then somebody encourages you rather than only pointing out the potential difficulties…that is a true gift.

So Anna your gift has been passed on to this lovely compassionate man who now has the freedom to openly practice his faith.


In the hands of the Order …Viryadana

Viryadana……..”This is an embroidered picture of the Buddha. It was made for me as a gift by my longest standing special friend in Australia, Patsy.  She is a very dear friend. I have now been living in Australia for more than 40 years but we knew each other back in NZ when we were very young.  She moved over here and when I arrived a few years later in I lived in her house for 3 years as I settled into this country.

Patsy made this special gift for me over 10 years ago. It was a surprise and I was deeply touched. Each stitch feels like it has friendship in it. It’s unique. “


from UK to Vietnam….

You might remember the guy I met in the UK who taught myself and a friend interesting things about dragonflies. I gave him a buddha. He took it back to the forest in Vietnam and has recently sent me this lovely email, photo and short video link called ” The Dragonfly Whisperer”

“……….It’s James from Wicken Fen. I’m finally back and settled in Vietnam. My camera and laptop have no battery but my phone’s good enough to give you a taste of what’s to come. This guy is Orthetrum chrysis, the red faced meadow hawk.james-dragonfly-one

You may also enjoy this short documentary that a friend made about me:

How goes the pilgrimage? I’m really enjoying your blog and have gotten a few friends interested too.


In the hands of the Order-…Vajrasuri

I am just back from a wonderful time leading a Mindfully Alive retreat at the Australian women’s vihara, Naganaga, just out of Kemspey ,NSW.

It is enlivening doing retreats in the Aussie bush along with wallabies, carpet pythons and a myriad of stunning birds.

Over the next few posts I’d like to introduce you to the four women who live at the vihara.

Firstly, Vajrasuri……

“This peacock plus two elephants was given to me by the Order when I was leaving India.

I had worked there for 16 years helping with the women’s Ordination process. It was a very sad time for me to make the decision for my own health to finish my work in India. Leaving behind many friends and the  women I had privately Ordained was very sad. However, I was given this  beautiful peacock and the elephants to put on my shrine in Australia so that I would always be reminded of India and my friends there. I have seen wild peacocks at the Hsuan Tsang retreat centre at Bordharan, near Nagpur. I love the colour and the ‘over the top’ aspect of this gift. 

And I can say in some way that it represents what my time in India meant for me. 

It was more than I could have ever believed my experience of life could be. 

My experiences in India were so very positive. Living in India is not always easy but I had so many good friends and that made everything possible .”



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Buddhas in my pocket

An Australian Buddhist Pilgrimage