I am just back from a wonderful time leading a Mindfully Alive retreat at the Australian women’s vihara, Naganaga, just out of Kemspey ,NSW.

It is enlivening doing retreats in the Aussie bush along with wallabies, carpet pythons and a myriad of stunning birds.

Over the next few posts I’d like to introduce you to the four women who live at the vihara.

Firstly, Vajrasuri……

“This peacock plus two elephants was given to me by the Order when I was leaving India.

I had worked there for 16 years helping with the women’s Ordination process. It was a very sad time for me to make the decision for my own health to finish my work in India. Leaving behind many friends and the  women I had privately Ordained was very sad. However, I was given this  beautiful peacock and the elephants to put on my shrine in Australia so that I would always be reminded of India and my friends there. I have seen wild peacocks at the Hsuan Tsang retreat centre at Bordharan, near Nagpur. I love the colour and the ‘over the top’ aspect of this gift. 

And I can say in some way that it represents what my time in India meant for me. 

It was more than I could have ever believed my experience of life could be. 

My experiences in India were so very positive. Living in India is not always easy but I had so many good friends and that made everything possible .”
